Taking the LeapI’ve been dreaming for the past seven years that this time would finally come. For the past seven years I have dreamt of one day being able to quit my job and focus solely on my photography. For seven years I was too afraid to take the leap. That initial fear is now gone and the time has finally come for me to take the leap into my own photography business. Am I still afraid? ABSOLUTELY!!! But my excitement for the future gets me through those moments of paralyzing fear. The time finally felt right. It has taken the last year to get to this point and even a year ago I wouldn’t have believed that I would’ve quit my job. For the past year I have been miserable at my corporate job. I was finally making the money I had always wanted to make and I had worked very hard to get where I was, but it just wasn’t enough. I still felt a hole in my heart. I looked for other jobs, something with more creativity, but nothing seemed interesting AT ALL. I was beginning to worry that I would never figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, until fait intervened. My boss asked to meet with me one morning, outside of the office, at a nearby coffee shop. I knew that my job performance hadn’t been it’s best in recent months, but I had just had my top producing month, so how bad was this meeting going to be? My boss wanted to discuss my job performance, my lack of motivation, and overall lack of excitement. He suggested that this may not be a good fit for me. Suddenly, I was stunned and terrified! I began crying, I couldn’t hold back the tears. I’ve always been the best I can be at everything I’ve done, but here I was on the verge of losing my job. My boss gave me a few days to think things over. Those were the best days I had had in a long time. The thought of leaving that job brought such huge relief. I felt like I could breath again, smile again, and laugh again. The dark cloud that had been hovering over my head for the past year was finally gone and all I could see was sunshine! Surprisingly, I wasn’t too afraid about what would come next. I wanted to deny, but after some soul searching it because clear exactly what I should do and what I’ve always wanted to do – photography. Life had presented an opportunity for me. My chance to dive right in and do what I LOVE doing! I am incredibly lucky to have this time shine and I am so excited to give everything I have to this! I have always imagined what it would be like to be a full time photographer and now that I’m here the possibilities are even better than I ever imagined. I can’t wait for the months to come! Too see what happens when I do give everything to this. As I said, I am so lucky. I have changed my life in the blink of an eye, and the love and support from my friends, family, and especially my fiance has been overwhelming. Seeing them believe in me is encouraging and proof that they saw this photographer self in me all along. In the weeks and months to come you will be seeing a lot of changes happening around here! There will be a new website, updated Facebook Page, and new offerings. There will be a whole lotta shakin and whole lotta fun going on so be sure to stay tuned for all the updates! And if you or anyone else you know is looking for a photographer, call me, I’m officially open for business! Lots of Love, Jessica ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Comments
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